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Sound Event Lolcalization and Detection (SELD)

Sound Event Localization and Detection


Sound event localization and detection (SELD) is a task classifying sound events and localizing the direction-of-arrival (DoA) utilizing multi-channel acoustic signals. Sound event detection is to detect the onset and offset of audio of each class, therefore, making spectral and temporal information important. Localization of DoA is to specify the azimuth and elevation of the DoA of the audio source in the temporal domain, which requires additional spatial information with microphone multi-channel information. Although the spatial, spectral, and temporal information is crucial for the SELD task, prior studies employ spectral and channel information as the embedding for temporal attention learning temporal context. This usage limits the deep neural network from extracting meaningful features from the spectral or spatial domains. Therefore, we propose a novel framework termed the Channel-Spectro-Temporal Transformer (CST-former) that bolsters SELD performance by independently applying attention mechanisms to distinct domains, enabling deep neural network (DNN) to learn contexts of space, frequency, and time.


© Smart Sound Systems Laboratory, 2015-

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