Journal & International Conference Papers
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, "DeFTAN-II: Efficient Multichannel Speech Enhancement with Subgroup Processing," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP), Nov. 2024.
I. Yeon, I. Jeong, S. Lee, and J-W. Choi, "EchoScan: Scanning Complex Room Geometries via Acoustic Echoes," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP), Oct. 2024.
S. Kim, J. Yoo, and J.-W. Choi, "Echo-aware Room Impulse Response Generation," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 156, Issue 1, pp.623-637, Jul. 2024.
S. Choi, I. Cho, J. Hyun, W. Choi, S. Sohn, and J.-W. Choi, "Research for Drone Target Classification Method Using Deep Learning Techniques", Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 189-196, Apr. 2024.
S. Choi and J-W. Choi, "Noisy-ArcMix: Additive Noisy Angular Margin Loss Combined With Mixup Anomalous Sound Detection," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2024.
Y. Shul and J-W. Choi, "CST-FORMER: Transformer with Channel-Spectro-Temporal Attention for Sound Event Localization and Detection," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2024.
Y. Lee, I. Yeon, J. Nam, and J-S Chung, "VoiceLDM: Text-to-Speech with Environmental Context," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2024.
J. Choi and J-W. Choi, "Integrating Mixup and ArcFace for Enhanced Anomalous Sound Detection," Inter-Noise, Nantes, France, Aug. 2024.
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, "DeFTAN-AA: Array Geometry Agnostic Multichannel Enhancement," INTERSPEECH, Kos Island, Sep. 2024.
I. Yeon and J-W. Choi, "RGI-NET: 3D Room Geometry Inference from Room Impulse Responses in Absence of First-order Echoes," IWAENC, Aalborg, Denmark, Sep. 2024.
Y. Shul and J-W. Choi, "Divided spectro-temporal transformer for sound event localization and detection in real scenes," Acoustics 2023, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2023.
D. Choi and J-W. Choi, "Target sound extraction on reverberant mixture," Acoustics 2023, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2023.
T. Choe and J-W. Choi, "Impact of Direct-to-Reverberation Ratio and Interaural Cross-Correlation on Externalization in Binaural Audio Rendering," Acoustics 2023, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2023.
I. Yeon and J-W. Choi, "RGI-Net: 3D Room Geometry Inference from Room Impulse Responses in the Absence of First-order Echoes," arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.01513., 2023.
J-W. Choi and F. Zotter, “Six degrees-of-freedom room impulse response dataset measured over a dense loudspeaker grid (6DRIR-DL),” AES International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio, Huddersfield, Aug. 2023.
J. Choi and J-W. Choi, “Prediction-segmentation tasks for self-supervision of anomaly detection networks under noisy conditions,” Inter-Noise2023, Chiba, Japan, Aug. 2023.
W. Yi, J-W. Choi., J-W. Lee, "Sound-based drone fault classification using multi-task learning", Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 29), Prague, Czech Republic, July. 2023.
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, “DeFT-AN RT: Real-time Multichannel Speech Enhancement using Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network and Non-overlapping Synthesis Window,” INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2023.
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, “DeFT-AN: Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network for Multichannel Speech Enhancement,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, Jun. 2023.
Y. Shul, W. Yi, J. Choi, D-S. Kang, and J-W. Choi, “Noise-based self-supervised anomaly detection in washing machines using a deep neural network with operational information,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.189, Apr. 2023.
G. Kook, Y. Jo, C. Oh, X. Liang, J. Kim, S-M. Lee, S. Kim, J-W. Choi, and H. J. Lee, “Multifocal skull-compensated transcranial focused ultrasound system for neuromodulation applications based on acoustic holography,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, vol.9, no.1, Apr. 2023.
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, “DeFT-AN: Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network for Multichannel Speech Enhancement,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.30, pp.155 - 159, Feb. 2023.
I. Yeon and J-W. Choi, "3D Room Geometry Inference from Multi-channel Room Impulse Response using Deep Neural Network", 24th International Congress on Acoustics, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
J-W. Choi and F. Zotter "3D multi-source localization by joint ESPRIT with multiple spherical arrays", 24th International Congress on Acoustics, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
W. Yi and J-W. Choi, "On-site Noise Exposure technique for noise-robust machine fault classification", 24th International Congress on Acoustics, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
J. Choi and J-W. Choi, "Multi-task learning for acoustic anomaly detection of machine sounds", PROCEEDINGS of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
D. Lee and J-W. Choi, "Inter-channel Conv-TasNet for source-agnostic multichannel audio enhancement", InterNoise2022, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 2022.
J-W. Choi, F. Zotter, B. Jo, and J-H. Yoo, “Multiarray Eigenbeam-ESPRIT for 3D Sound Source Localization with Multiple Spherical Microphone Arrays,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.30, pp.2310-2325, Jun. 2022.
J. Par, J. Hong, J-W. Choi, M. Hahn, “Determinant-Based Generalized Sidelobe Canceller for Dual-Sensor Noise Reduction,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.22, no.9, pp.8858-8868, May. 2022
Z-J. Zhao, J, Ahn, D. Lee, and J-W. Choi, I. Park, J-H. Jeong, et al., “Wafer-scale, highly uniform, and well-arrayed suspended nanostructures for enhancing the performance of electronic devices,” Nanoscale, vol.14, no.4, pp.1136-1143, Jan. 2022.
J-W. Choi, "Sound field control in real and virtual auditory space," Proceedings of Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods (NOVEM), Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand, Jan. 2023.
D. Lee, S. Kim, and J-W. Choi, "Inter-Channel Conv-TasNet for multichannel speech enhancement," arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04312., 2023.
J-W. Choi, "Generation of a Near-field Sound Zone Using Broadside Differential Array", 2021 Immersive and 3D Audio : from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA), Bologna, Italy Sep. 2021.
D. Lee, B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, “Direction-of-arrival estimation with blind surface impedance compensation for spherical microphone array,” JASA Express Letters, vol.1, no.7, Jul. 2021.
S. Park, and J-W. Choi, “Iterative Echo Labeling Algorithm With Convex Hull Expansion for Room Geometry Estimation,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing vol.29, pp.1463-1478, May. 2021
S-W. Jeon, and J-W. Choi, “Personal audio system for neckband headset with low computational complexity,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.148, no.6, pp.3913-3927, Dec. 2020.
B. Jo, F. Zotter, and J-W. Choi, "Extended vector-based EB-ESPRIT using additional constraints for increasing the maximum number of detectable sources", InterNoise2020, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2020.
S-W. Jeon, and J-W. Choi, "Personal sound field manipulation in the wearable audio device", InterNoise2020, Seoul, Aug. 2020.
I. An, B. Jo, Y. Kwon, and J-W. Choi and S-E. Yoon, "Robust Sound Source Localization considering Similarity of Back-Propagation Signals", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, May. 2020.
B. Jo, F. Zotter, and J-W. Choi, “Extended Vector-Based EB-ESPRIT Method,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.28, pp.1692-1705, May. 2020.
J. Liu, B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, “Dereverberation Based on Deep Neural Networks with Directional Feature from Spherical Microphone Array Recordings," 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2019.
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, "Robust localization of early reflections in a room using semi real-valued EB-ESPRIT with three recurrence relations and Laplacian constraint," 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2019.
B. Jo, J-W. Choi, "Experimental validation of vector-based EB-ESPRIT technique for the localization of early reflections in a reverberant room," InterNoise2019, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 2019.
H. So, J-W. Choi, "Subband optimization and filtering technique for practical personal audio systems," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Brighton, UK, May. 2019.
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, “Parametric direction-of-arrival estimation with three recurrence relations of spherical harmonics,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.145, no.1, pp.480-488, Jan. 2019.
S. Y. Park, and J-W. Choi, "Iterative Echo Labeling Technique for Room Geometry Estimation," 176th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada, Nov. 2018.
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, "Nonsingular EB-ESPRIT for the localization of early reflections in a room," 176th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada, Nov. 2018.
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, "Sine-based EB-ESPRIT for Source Localization," 2018 IEEE 10th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Sheffield, UK, pp. 326-330, Jul. 2018.
J-W. Choi, "Personal Sound Zone for Automotive Applications: a review of personal audio technologies and applications," ICCE-Asia, Jeju, Korea, 24-26 Jun. 2018. (Invited paper)
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, “Direction of arrival estimation using nonsingular spherical ESPRIT,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.143, no.3, pp. EL181-EL187, Mar. 2018.
E. J. Shin, S. Park, C. S. Kim, B-J. Cho, and J-W. Choi, “Construction of a Multiway Carbon Nanotubes Loudspeaker with Finely Tunable Resonance Frequencies,” Advanced Materials Technologies, vol.3, no.2, Feb. 2018
G-S. Jo, and J-W. Choi, "Subarray Processing with Shifted Coprime Arrays for Aperture Size Reduction," 174th meeting Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Dec. 2017
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, “Spherical Harmonic Smoothing for Localizing Coherent Sound Sources,” ” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.25, no.10, pp.1969-1984, Oct. 2017.
S. Y. Park, E. J. Shin, B. J. Cho, and J-W. Choi, "Resonator Design for Multiway Thermo-Acoustic Loudspeaker," InterNoise2017, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2017.
W-S. Gan, and J-W. Choi, “Guest Editors' Note-Special Issue on Spatial Audio,” Applied Sciences-Basel, vol.7, no.8, Aug. 2017.
D-H Kim, and J-W. Choi, "Spatial Delta-Sigma modulation for directivity control of an acoustic pixel array using cnt," 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 24), London, United Kingdom, Jul. 2017.
D-H Kim, and J-W. Choi, "Directivity control of a graphene loudspeaker array using elementwise switching technique" 5th Joint Meeting Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan (ASA 172th), Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 3312-3312, Dec. 2016
J. W. Choi, “Sound field control in the interior and exterior of electric vehicles," FISITA World Automotive Congress 2016. No. F2016-ETNV, 2016
B. Jo, and J-W. Choi, "Spherical harmonic smoothing technique for DOA estimation of fully coherent sources," 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2016), Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 731, Sep. 2016
C. S. Kim, K. E. Lee, J-M. Lee, S. O. Kim, B-J. Cho, J-W. Choi, “Application of N-Doped Three-Dimensional Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel to Thin Film Loudspeaker,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.8, no.34, pp.22295-22300, Aug. 2016.
J-W. Choi, and J. Ji, "A self-configurable, wireless audio system with user-tracking ability," 2016 AES International Conference on Sound Field Control, Guildford, United Kingdom, Jul. 2016.
J-W. Choi, and J. Ji, “Self-configurable loudspeakers with human tracking ability,” 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibratiom (ICSV 23), Athens, Greece, Jul. 2016.
J-W. Choi, B-J. Cho, I-S. Shin, “Toward the Holographic Reconstruction of Sound Fields Using Smart Sound Devices,” IEEE Multimedia, vol.23, no.3, pp.64-74, Jul. 2016.
D. S. Kang, J-W. Choi, and W. L. Martens, “Distance perception of a virtual sound source synthesized near the listener position,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.75, no.9, pp.5161-5182, May. 2016.
C. S. Kim, S. K. Hong, J. M. Lee, D. S. Kang, B-J. Cho, and J-W. Choi, “Free-Standing Graphene Thermophone on a Polymer-Mesh Substrate,” Small, vol.12, no.2, pp.185-189, Jan. 2016.
H. M. Noh, and J-W. Choi, “Identification of low-frequency noise sources in high-speed train via resolution improvement,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol.29, no.9, pp.3609-3615, Sep. 2015
J-W. Choi, J-S. Hong, Y-H. Kim, “Generation of personal sound zones in the interior and exterior of automotive vehicles,” InterNoise2015, San Francisco, USA, Aug. 2015.
Y. Son, and J-W. Choi, Y. Kim, et al., "Rocking Drones with Intentional Sound Noise on Gyroscopic Sensors," 24th USENIX Security Symposium, Aug. 2015.
J-W. Choi, “Subband optimization for acoustic contrast control,” 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 22), Florence, Italy, Jul. 2015.
J-W. Choi, “Coded excitation in space and time for the identification of geometric parameters using audio transducer arrays,” 169th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 137, issue 4, pp. 2238-2238, May. 2015.
J. Lee, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Reproduction of a higher-order circular harmonic field using a linear array of loudspeakers,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.137, no.3, Mar. 2015.
D. H. Seo, Jung-Woo, Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Impulsive sound source localization using peak and RMS estimation of the time-domain beamformer output,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.49, no.1-2, pp.95-105, Dec. 2014.
J-W. Choi, “Sound Sketch,” Plenary Lecture, InterNoise2014, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
J-M. Lee, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "Manipulation of source width based on sound field reproduction," Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia, November 16-19, 2014.
D-S. Kang, J-W. Choi, Y-H. Kim, and W. L. Martens, "Distance perception of a nearby virtual sound source reproduced by a linear loudspeaker array," Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia, November 16-19, 2014.
K-W. Kim, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "Detection and direction estimation of a sudden loud sound for the hearing assistive eyeglasses," InterNoise2014, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2014.
H. Kim, S. Lee, J-W. Choi, H. Bae, J. Lee, J. Song, and I. Shin, “Mobile Maestro: Enabling Immersive Multi-Speaker Audio Applications on Commodity Mobile Devices,” 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Seattle, WA, USA, Sep. 2014.
F. Zotter, M. Frank, M. Kronlachner, and J-W. Choi, “Efficient Phantom Source Widening and Diffuseness in Ambisonics,” EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics 2014, Berlin, Germany, Apr. 2014.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Reproduction of higher order virtual sources using loudspeaker arrays,” 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, May. 2014.
D-S. Kang, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Distance perception in the sound field reproduced by a linear loudspeaker array,” 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, May. 2014.
D-H. Seo, J-W. Choi, Y-H. Kim, “Buzz, squeak, and rattle noise classification by using acoustic fingerprinting technology,” 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, May. 2014.
J. Jung, J-W. Choi, S, Park, and Y-H. Kim, “Equalization filter design for downfiring flat television speakers,” Applied Acoustics, vol.76, pp.66-81, Feb. 2014.
J-W. Choi, “Multipole, spherical harmonics and integral equation for sound field reproduction,” 166th meeting of Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, USA, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 134, no. 4, pp. 3998, Dec. 2013.
Y-H. Kim, J-W. Choi, and M-H. Song, Yang-Hann Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Min-Ho Song, “Objective functions incorporating various norms for the three-dimensional sound manipulation,” 166th meeting of Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, USA, Dec, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 134, no. 4, pp. 4170, Dec. 2013.
J-M. Lee, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Wave field synthesis of a virtual source located in proximity to a loudspeaker array,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.134, no.3, pp.2106-2117, Sep. 2013.
J-Y. Park, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Acoustic contrast sensitivity to transfer function errors in the design of a personal audio system,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.134, no.1, Jul. 2013.
J-W. Choi, “Extension of perceived source width using sound field reproduction systems,” International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2013, POMA vol. 19, pp. 055006, Jun. 2013.
D-S. Kang, J-M. Lee, Jung-Woo Choi, Minho Song, and Yang-Hann Kim, “Virtual sound source generation: Its various methods and performances,” International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2013, POMA vol. 19, pp. 055004, Jun. 2013.
M. Song, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Pre-echo artifact in generating a focused source,” International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2013, POMA Vol. 19, pp. 055057, Jun. 2013.
G-W. Lee, A. Cha, S-H. Kim, Y-T, Kim and J-W. Choi, “Reduction of sound leakage in handheld devices using open loop control,” International Congress on Acoustics 2013, POMA vol. 19, pp. 030056, Jun. 2013.
J. Cheer, S. J. Elliott, Y. Kim, and J-W. Choi, “Practical implementation of personal audio in a mobile device,” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol.61, no.5, pp.290-300, May. 2013.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Sound Field Reproduction of a Virtual Source inside a Loudspeaker Array with Minimal External Radiation,” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.21, no.2, pp. 247-259, Feb. 2013.
K. W. Kim, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “An Assistive Device for Direction Estimation of a Sound Source,” Assistive Technology, vol.25, no.4, pp.216-221, Oct. 2013.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "Theories and Signal Processing Techniques for the Implementation of Sound Ball in Space Using Loudspeaker Array," APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2012, California, USA, Dec. 2012,
J-W. Choi, and Y-H, Kim, "Integral Approach for Reproduction of Virtual Sound Source Surrounded by Loudspeaker Array" IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, Language Processing, vol.20, no.7, pp.1976-1989, Sep. 2012.
S. J. Elliott, J. Cheer, J-W. Choi, and Y. Kim, “Robustness and regularization of personal audio systems,” IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech Language Processing, vol.20, no.7, pp. 2123-2133, Sep. 2012.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim "Two-dimensional expression of sound by beamforming and acoustic holography: their similarities and differences," InterNoise2012, New York City, USA, Aug. 2012.
K-W. Kim, J-W. Choi, and Y-H, Kim, "Development of sound-visualization glasses," Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, USA, Aug. 2012.
K-H Kim, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "Partial source decomposition for beamforming in multiple incoherent sources," Inter-Noise 2012, New York City, USA, Aug. 2012.
D-H. Seo, Y-H. Kim, and J-W. Choi, "A novel means to find where BSR noise is by using beamforming based on audio-fingerprint technology," InterNoise2012, New York City, USA Aug., 2012.
A. Cha, S-W. Jeon, D-H. Youn, Y-C Park, J-W. Choi, G-W. Lee, S-H. Kim, and Y-T. Kim, “Active control of sound leakage in handheld sound devices,” InterNoise2012, New York City, USA, Aug. 2012.
J–W. Choi, and Y–H. Kim, “Reproduction of the sound field from a virtual source inside of loudspeaker arrays,” 163rd meeting of Acoustic Society of America, Hong Kong, China, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 131, No. 4, Pt. 2, May. 2012.
J–W. Choi, and Y–H. Kim, "General integral equation for the with-height reproduction of focused source inside," 132nd AES Convention, Budapest, Hungary, preprint 8602, Apr. 2012.
J–M. Lee, J–W. Choi, D–S. Kang, and Y–H. Kim, "Reproduction of proximity virtual sources using a line array of loudspeakers," 132nd AES Convention, Budapest, Hungary, preprint 8618, Apr. 2012.
M. Song, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "A selective array activation method for the generation of a focused source considering listening position," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.131, no.2, pp. EL156-162, Feb. 2012.
J. Cheer, S. J. Elliott, Y–T. Kim, J–W. Choi, “The effect of finite sized baffles on mobile device personal audio,” 130th convention of Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 8326, London, UK, May. 2011
J. Chang, J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, "A plane wave generation method by wave number domain point focusing," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.128, no.5, pp.2758-2767, Nov. 2010.
J–W. Choi, Y–T. Kim, S–C. Ko, J–H. Kim, “A Differential Approach for the Implementation of Superdirective Loudspeaker Array,” 128th convention of Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 8032, London, UK, May. 2010
J–W. Choi, S–C. Ko, J–H. Kim, Y–T. Kim, “'Super-directive loudspeaker array for the generation of a personal sound zone,” 125th convention of Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 7620, San Francisco, Oct. 2008
J-W. Choi and Y–H. Kim, "Wave front design by acoustic contrast control," 152nd Meeting (4th joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan), Honolulu, Hawaii, Paper 1pUW13, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 120, No. 5, Pt. 2, p.3050, 2006), Nov. 2006.
J-W. Choi, J-H. Jang and Y-H. Kim, "Wavefront control by wavenumber domain focusing," 150th meeting of Acoustic Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (abstract) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118 (3) Pt. 2, pp. 1968, Sep. 2005.
J-W. Choi, J-H. Jang and Y-H. Kim, "A unified approach for the spatial enhancement of sound," 150th meeting of Acoustic Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (abstract) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118 (3) Pt. 2, pp. 1968, Sep. 2005.
Y–H. Kim and J-W. Choi, "A means to see noise sources," 150th meeting of Acoustic Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (abstract) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 118 (3) Pt. 2, pp. 1916, Sep. 2005.
J–W. Choi and Y–H. Kim, “Active control for enhancement of sound field,” Active 04, Williamsburg, Virginia, paper 042(on CD-ROM), Sep. 2004.
J–W. Choi and Y–H. Kim, “A generalized method to optimize acoustic intensity field by using source array,” ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, paper We2.D.5(on CD-ROM), Apr. 2004.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H, Kim, “Manipulation of sound intensity within a selected region using multiple sources,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.116, no.2, pp. 843-852, Aug. 2004.
J–W. Choi and Y–H. Kim, “A method for making acoustically bright intensity zone,” 146th meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Austin, Texas, 2003 (abstract) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol.114, No. 4, Pt. 2, p.2368, Oct. 2003.
J-W. Choi and Y-H. Kim, “Acoustic intensity optimization using source array,” InterNoise2003, Seogwipo, Korea, paper N777(on CD-ROM), Aug. 2003.
J-W. Choi and Y-H. Kim, “Generation of acoustically bright and dark zone using multiple sources,” InterNoise2002, Dearborn, Michigan, paper N202(on CD-ROM), Aug. 2002.
J-W. Choi, and Y-H. Kim, “Generation of an acoustically bright zone within an illuminated region using multiple sources,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.111, no.4, pp.1695-1700,
Domestic Conference
D. Choi, and J-W. Choi, "Target sound extraction on multichannel reverberant mixture," 2024 Fall Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea, Busan, Korea, pp. 170-171, October, 2024.
Y. Kim, J-W. Choi, S. Choi, and W. Choi "Classification of projectile trajectory time-series data using a deep neural network based on channel and temporal attention," Autumn Annual Conference of KSNVE 2024, Jeongseon, Korea, p85, October, 2024.
J. Choi, and J.-W. Choi*,"Time Series Learning in Feature Space for Anomaly Detection in Various Noisy Environments," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Jeju, Korea, May, 2024.
S. Choi and J-W. Choi, "Techniques for generating and training diverse normal machine sound data to ensure robustness against unseen data,"
Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2024, Jeju, Korea, May, 2024.
D. Lee, and J-W. Choi, "Multichannel speech enhancement and separation using rotary positional embedding," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2024, Jeju, Korea, May, 2024.
I. Yeon, I. Jeong, S. Lee, and J-W. Choi, "Complex room geometry inference using room impulse responses," 2024 Spring Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea, Seogwipo, Korea, pp. 333-334, May, 2024.
D. Choi, and J-W. Choi, "Target sound extraction on reverberant mixture using sound-class label and timestamp information," 2024 Spring Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea, Seogwipo, Korea, pp. 335-336, May, 2024.
G. Baek, T. Choe, and J.-W. Choi*, "Influence of the Dynamic Reflection Rendering on Perceived Spatial Audio Externalization," Autumn Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Yeosu, Korea, October, 2023. 2.
Y. Shul, and J.-W. Choi*, "Divided Spectral-Temporal Attention-based Sound Event Localization and Detection using Multi-Channel Array Signals," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Samcheok, Korea, May, 2023. 3.
J. Choi, and J.-W. Choi*,"Deep learning-based Machine Anomaly Detection through Mixing Normal Data and Outlier Data," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Samcheok, Korea, May, 2023. 4.
I. Yeon, I. Jeong, S. Lee, and J.-W. Choi*, "DNN-Based Room Layout Estimation Method," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Samcheok, Korea, May, 2023. 5.
T. Choe, and J.-W. Choi*, "Influence of the Presence of Early Reflections on Externalization in Binaural Audio Rendering," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Samcheok, Korea, May, 2023. 6.
D. Choi, D. Lee, and J.-W. Choi*, "Low Complexity DNN Model for Multichannel Speech Enhancement," Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2023, Samcheok, Korea, May, 2023.
Pilsun Eu, Franz Zotter, Jae-hyoun Yoo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Ambisonic Rendering for Diffuse Sound Field Simulations based on Geometrical Acoustics", The Korean Institute of Broadcase and Media Engineers, 2022추계학술대회, Seoul, Korea, November, 2022.
Seongrae Kim, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Echo-Aware Differentiable Filtered Velvet Noise", Korean Artificial Intelligence Association
Summer Conference 2022, Jeju, Korea, August 2022.
Jihoon Choi, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Deep learning-based Machine Anomaly Detection using Multiscale Prediction and Classification", Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2022, Changwon, Korea, p216, May, 2022.
Wonjun Yi, Jung-Woo Choi*, "On-site Noise Exposure Technique for Noise-Robust Machine Fault Classification", Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2022, Changwon, Korea, p217, May, 2022.
Yusun Shul, Dong-soo Kang, Jung-Woo Choi*, "DNN based washing machine anomaly detection using operation information", Spring Annual Conference of KSNVE 2022, Changwon, Korea, p218, May, 2022.
Yusun Shul, Jihoon Choi, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Deep Learning based Fault Detection for Pressure Pipe Wall Thinning", Autumn Annual Conference of KSNVE 2021, Jeju, Korea, p261, November, 2021.
Dongheon Lee, Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Blind surface impedance compensation for the beamforming using spherical microphone array," Annual Conference of KIMST, Daejeon, Korea, November, 2021.
Jihoon Choi, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Deep Learning based Machine Sound Anomaly Detection using Multi-Task Learning", 2nd Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, Jeju, 2021.
Dongheon Lee, Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Spherical Array Beamforming Robust To Surface Impedance Mismatch", the ASK Annual Spring Conference 2021, Jeju, Korea, p104, May, 2021.
Hyunjun Lee, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Inter-Plane Crosstalk Removal Algorithm for 3D-Holography Based on Acoustic Lens", the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference 2020, Jeju, Korea, p.214, 17~20 November, 2020.
Kyeonji Kim, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Neural Network based Anomaly Detection using Sound Data", the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference 2020, Jeju, Korea, p.125, 17~20 November, 2020.
Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Extended EB-ESPRIT for direction-of-arrival estimation using spherical microphone array", the KIMST Annual Autumn Conference 2020, 12~13 November, 2020.
Jeongmin Liu, Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, and Se-woon Jeon, "Dereverberation based on deep neural networks using acoustic intensity", the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference 2019, Jeju, Korea, p.152, 23~25 October, 2019.
Byeongho Jo, and Jung-Woo Choi*, "Vector-based EB-ESPRIT for direction-of-arrival estimation using spherical microphone array", the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2019, Pyeongchang, Korea, p.66, 20~22 February, 2019.
Minsung Kang, and Jung-Woo Choi*, "Combination of Multiple Higher Order Microphones by using Shanks transform", the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2019, Pyeongchang, Korea, p.177, 20~22 February, 2019.
Hyungjun So, and Jung-Woo Choi*, "Subband Optimization and Filtering Technique for Personal Audio System in Car Cabin", the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2019, Pyeongchang, Korea, p.178, 20~22 February, 2019.
Minsung Kang, and Jung-Woo Choi*, "Reproduction of 2D Sound Field in Translated Coordinates using Shanks transform", the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference 2018, Yeosu, Korea, p.76, 17~20 October, 2018.
Hyungjun So, Kyeongseok Jeong, and Jung-Woo Choi*, "Design of Frequency Warped Filter to Improve Low Frequency Performance of Personal Sound System in Car Cabin", the KSNVE Annual Autumn Conference 2018, Yeosu, Korea, p.77, 17~20 October, 2018.
Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Nonsingular EB-ESPRIT for direction of arrival estimation with spherical microphone array", the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2018, Jeju, Korea, p.330, 25-28 April, 2018
Soo Yeon Park, Jung-Woo Choi*, “Room Estimation using Convex Hull Algorithm”, the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2018, Jeju, Korea, p.250, 25-28 April, 2018
Sooyoung Park, Jung-Woo Choi*, “Wall Impedance Estimation using Optimization”, the KSNVE Annual Spring Conference 2018, Jeju, Korea, p.252, 25-28 April, 2018
Byeongho Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Spherical Harmonic Smoothing for DOA Estimation of Fully Coherent Sources" in Proc. of 2017 Joint Conference by KSVNE, ASK and KSME(DC), Gwangju, Korea, p. 151, 26-28 April, 2017
Soo Yeon Park, Choong Sun Kim, Eui Joong Shin, Byung Jin Cho, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Resonator Design for Multiway Thermo-Acoustic Loudspeaker" in Proc. of 2017 Joint Conference by KSVNE, ASK and KSME(DC), Gwangju, Korea, p. 372, 26-28 April, 2017
Dong-Hwan Kim, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Directivity control of CNT loudspeaker array using elementwise switching technique" in Proc. of 2017 Joint Conference by KSVNE, ASK and KSME(DC), Gwangju, Korea, p. 456, 26-28 April, 2017
Guen-Soo Jo, Jung-Woo Choi*, "Subarray Configuration Technique for DOA Estimation" in Proc. of 2017 Joint Conference by KSVNE, ASK and KSME(DC), Gwangju, Korea, p. 489, 26-28 April, 2017
노재규, 최정우, "Ambisonics Decoding on High Frequency for Loudspeaker-based Virtual Reality", 2017년도 한국음향학회 추계학술발표대회, 2017
Eui Joong Shin, Choong Sun Kim, Dong Hwan Kim, Jung-Woo Choi and Byung Jin Cho, "Frequency Controlled Thermo-acoustic Resonator Using a Vertically Aligned CNT Sheet", The 8th International Conference on Recent Progress in Graphene Research (RPGR) 2016, Seoul, Korea, September 25-29, 2016.
지정주, 최정우, "Self-configurable loudspeaker array with user tracking ability", 2016년도 한국음향학회 정기총회 및 추계학술발표대회, 2016.
강동수, 최정우, 이정민, 김양한, "Design of Multichannel Spherical Loudspeaker Array for the Spatial Sound Manipulation", 2012년도 한국음향학회 춘계학술발표대회, Vol 31. No.4, May 2012
최정우, 박영진, 김양한, "Spatial Manipulation of Sound Using Multiple Sourcesn", the KSNVE Annual Fall Conference 2005, Korea, Vol 15. No. 12 p.1378-1388, Dec, 2005
Jung-Woo Choi, Byung Jin Cho, and Insik Shin. "Toward the Holographic Reconstruction of Sound Fields Using Smart Sound Devices." IEEE MultiMedia 23.3 (2016): 64-74.
윤성의, 최정우, 이도헌, 안인규, 회절 인지를 통한 비가시선 음원 위치 추적 방법 및 시스템, 대한민국특허청, 10-2174598-0000, 2020-10-30
최정우, 서정일, 박태진, 유재현, 이용주 음향 특성을 예측하는 오디오 시스템 및 방법, 대한민국특허청, 10-2197230-0000, 2020-12-24
박수연, 최정우, 음원과 마이크로폰을 이용하는 공간 추정 장치 및 방법, 대한민국특허청, 10-2196388-0000, 2020-12-22
조병호, 최정우, 국방과학연구소, 구형 마이크로폰 어레이 시스템 및 비특이성을 가지는 EB-ESPRIT을 이용한 음원의 입사 방향 추정 방법, 대한민국특허청, 10-2018-0095685, 2018.08.16
조병진, 김충선, 최정우, 김상욱, 이경은, 삼차원 그래핀을 이용한 이차원 평면형 열음향 스피커 및 그 제조 방법, 대한민국특허청, 10-1699796, 2017.1.19
최정우, 김동환, 단일 채널 입력을 이용한 음장의 지향성 제어 방법 및 장치, 대한민국특허청, 10-2017-0127932, 2017.09.29
조병진, 최정우, 홍슬기, 김충선, 그래핀 열음향 스피커 및 그 제조방법, 대한민국특허청, 10-2016-0070638, 2016.6.20
Yang-Hann Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Ji-Ho Chang, Jin-Young Park and Chan-Hui Lee, Sound system, sound reproducing apparatus, sound reproducing method, monitor with speakers, mobile phone with speakers, US Patent Registration, 8369536, 2013.2.5
Seoung-Hun Kim, Young-tae Kim, Sun-min Kim, Sang-Chul Ko, Jung-Woo Choi, Method and apparatus for reproducing front surround sound, US patent Application, 13/218072, 2012.3.7
Sang-Chul Ko, Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Apparatus and method for controlling acoustic radiation pattern output, US patent Registration, 8125851, 2012.2.28
Jung-ho Kim, Youngtae Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Jung-Woo Choi, Apparatus and method for controlling distortions of amplifier, US patent Registration, 8115548, 2012.2.14
Jung-Woo Choi, Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Method of and apparatus for controlling sound field through array speaker, US patent Registration, 8045722, 2011.10.25
Jung-ho Kim, Young-tae Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Jung-Woo Choi, Apparatus and method for estimating power amplifier, US patent Registration, 8040179, 2011.10.18
Jung-Woo Choi, Jung-ho Kim, Young-tae Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Sound enhancement apparatus and method, US patent Application, 12/957474, 2010.12.01
Sang-Chul Ko, Young-tae Kim, Jung-Ho Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR GENERATING AN ACOUSTIC RADIATION PATTERN, US patent Application, 12/903347, 2010.10.13
Jung-Woo Choi, Young-tae Kim, Jung-Ho Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Apparatus and method for generating directional sound, US patent Application, 12/876963, 2010.9.7
Young-tae Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Jung-ho Kim, Sang-Chul Ko, APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SOUND FOCUSING , US patent Application, 12/780099, 2010.5.14
Jung-Woo Choi, Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Apparatus and Method for Generating Directional Sound, US patent Application, 12/634054, 2009.12.9
Jung-Woo Choi, Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Sang-chul Ko, Directional sound generating apparatus and directional speaker array, US patent Application, 12/554951, 2009.9.7
Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Sang-Chul Ko, Jung-Woo Choi, APPARATUS AND METHOD OF PROCESSING SOUND, US patent Application, 12/554046, 2009.9.4
Sang-chul Ko, Young-tae Kim, Jung-ho Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FOCUSING SOUND IN ARRAY SPEAKER SYSTEM, US patent Application, 12/546878, 2009.8.25
Yang-Hann Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Ji-Ho Chang, Jin-Young Park and Chan-Hui Lee, Sound system, sound reproducing apparatus, sound reproducing method, monitor with speakers, mobile phone with speakers, US Patent Application, GK-US105007, 2008. 11. 13.